Throughout Australia, pool fences are legally required, but to ensure that your pool is as safe as possible, you may want to go above and beyond the law. In particular, you may want to take steps to ensure that no child can climb your pool fence. Some children are expert climbers, but the right techniques can deter even the best climbers in the bunch.
1. Don't Use Cyclone Fencing
When choosing your pool fencing, stay away from cyclone fencing. Also called chain link fencing, this style of fence has small holes that are easy for kids to use as footholds to go up and down the fence. If you are already using cyclone fencing, weave through privacy strips—they prevent kids from slipping their feet into the holes.
2. Be Cautious About Cross Bars on Wrought Iron Fencing
Wrought iron fencing is harder to climb than chain link fences, but you need to think about where the cross bars are located. A tall child can easily step onto the lowest cross bar and use that to host themselves the rest of the way over the fence. To avoid that, consider wrought iron pool fencing that doesn't integrate cross bars.
3. Boost Security at the Top of the Fence
Just in case a child does get to the top of the fence, consider putting in some security measures that make it hard for them to get over the fence. That could be spikes on a wrought iron fence, a row of barbed wire or a number of other features. Your fence contractor can help you come up with ideas.
4. Don't Store Items Near the Fence
Also, be sure not to store certain items next to the fence. In particular, benches, boxes full of lawn tools or even some lawn ornaments could make the fence easier to climb. Keep these items as far from the fence as possible, and if these items are outside your fence, make sure that they are too heavy to move or anchored in some other way. You don't want a child dragging those items over to the fence and using them to help climb the fence.
5. Trim Low Hanging Branches
If you have trees next to your pool fencing, children could climb the tree and drop over the fence. To prevent that, make sure that you keep your trees well maintained. In particular, cut off low hanging branches that could be inviting to climbers.